“A humble self-knowledge is a surer way to God than a search after deep learning”

 -Thomas a Kempis

The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing tool which identifies how we are uniquely created to reflect the image of God. It identifies our core motivations and the ways we distance ourselves from God. One of the greatest gifts the Enneagram offers us is how to be compassionate toward ourselves and show compassion for others.

the enneagram

The Enneagram helps us “wake up to ourselves.” It is a short-cut to figuring out who we are when we are being our most authentic self or when we are reacting out of our false self. As we mature, these reactionary ways of coping no longer serve us. With understanding, we can begin to choose how to act rather than automatically react to triggering people or events. Most importantly, we can access the pathway toward a more authentic version of ourselves- the selves God created in His image.

Through the discovery of our personality type we become aware of the core lens we use to experience life. We also become aware of the different lenses others are using to navigate their world. As we begin to understand how others are created to perceive their world in a variety of ways, we can truly value their uniqueness as well as have more compassion and grace for how others can’t help but see things differently than we do. Our primary Enneagram number pinpoints the underlying motivations and the why behind what we do and think. When we understand our motivations, we have the freedom to act rather than being compelled to act. We are affirmed in our beautiful giftedness as well as become aware of our particular blindspots. In this awareness of our selves and how we were created, we can grow and deepen our relationship with the Creator.

As an Enneagram coach, I work with individuals, non-profits and small groups to deepen their understanding of how this tool can be used for better communication with co-workers and/or family members. I am also trained in aiding others to explore their own spirituality and which spiritual practices may best enhance their relationship and intimacy with God.


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For individuals who want to take a deeper look into their core type and how it impacts relationships, work, and spiritual life. Please email me to get more information or to set up your 1x1 coaching session.