“Your life, my life, is given graciously by God. Our lives are not problems to be solved but journeys to be taken with Jesus as our friend and finest guide.”

— Henri Nouwen

spiritual direction

Spiritual Directors are dedicated to prayerfully accompanying Directees on their spiritual journey, Every Spiritual Director has their own unique gifting and style, so our Introductory Session is a time to discern whether we would be a good fit to work together as Director/Directee. Spiritual Direction is done on a monthly basis and lasts for an hour. During a session we typically begin with a short “catch-up on life,” then we enter into a time of quiet and prayer in order to identify God’s presence and movement in the Directee’s life. Each session is uniquely led by the Holy Spirit and may include listening through spiritual practices, creativity, movement, and the three centers of intelligence, body, heart and mind. I also use the wisdom of the Enneagram as we discern God’s voice together.

In Spiritual Direction sessions I create a safe place to explore all questions or thoughts about the Creator without judgment. We access wonder and curiosity to explore God’s movement in your life.

ignatian spiritual direction

”The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius are a guide to prayer which helps people discern God’s presence in their lives. In four stages, referred to as “Weeks,” participants contemplate various aspects of their lives, as well as the Life, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus. The Exercises were developed in the 15th century by Ignatius of Loyola, and consist of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices which help people deepen their relationship with God. For centuries the Exercises were most commonly given as a “long retreat” of about 30 days in solitude and silence.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest among Protestants and others who desire to encounter God in their daily life rather than an intensive retreat setting. The “retreat in daily life” is a months-long program of daily prayer and weekly meetings with a spiritual director. As a Certified Director or “Companion” of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, I offer the “Retreat in Daily Life” for those who are committed to making an intensive, deep dive into their faith.

Participants need to prayerfully discern if their particular season in life allows them to make a commitment to praying daily over the materials for the retreat, (typically a half hour to an hour each day plus a spending a short time reflecting back over the events of the day.

For more information - please contact me.


A Spiritual Director helps us create space to distinguish between the voice of God and all the other voices coming at us from the world.